October 2018
October 2018
Action Alert: Let's build a more playful Rochester
Play is important work for kids. Kids who play every day are healthier. They do better in school, have lower depression and anxiety and have stronger social and emotional skills. Yet many kids in the City of Rochester lack safe and accessible places to play. As Rochester updates its master plan, it can address barriers to play. Sign our petition to urge City Council to put kids first in the city's updated comprehensive plan.
Campaign aims to make streets safer for walkers and bikers
New Drive 2B Better media campaign asks drivers: "What will it take for you to notice me?"
Nearly 4,000 drivers crashed into walkers, runners and bikers, hurting or killing them from 2010 to 2017 in Monroe County. That's an average of 1.3 crashes per day, and 8 people dying per year.
In most cases, driver error was the cause of crashes. Traffic crashes are predictable. Avoid crashes by recognizing risk factors and changing driving, walking and biking behaviors.
That's why Healthi Kids joined 15 other local groups to launch a traffic safety ad campaign. The ads ask drivers to remember the three S's of safe driving:
• slowing down
• scanning for pedestrians
• spacing their vehicle at least three feet away from bicyclists
The campaign's website (http://drive2bbetter.com/) features important safety tips for drivers. Learn more (https://www.commongroundhealth.org/campaign-aims-to-make-streets-safer-for-walker-and-bikers) and take the pledge to slow, scan and space your vehicle.
New policy means more garden stability
Community gardens provide fruits and vegetables to areas that lack access to them. Now community gardens in Rochester will have more stability, thanks to a change in city policy. Congratulations to the Urban Agriculture Working Group for calling for a five-year permit for established gardens. Permits currently cover only one growing season. Nonprofits may qualify for the new permits by running a garden for three years without any complaints. Healthi Kids participates in the Urban Agriculture Working Group. Learn more about the change (https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2018/10/25/urban-agriculture-community-gardens-rochester-permits-land-use/1762616002/) .
Event highlighted afterschool programs
At the Lights on Afterschool event Oct. 25 at the Boys and Girls Club of Rochester, kids made LED flashlights, paper circuits and Morse Code bracelets. They also shared why after-school activities like these are important. Sponsored by the Greater Rochester Afterschool Alliance, the event displayed the value and impact of afterschool programs. Families signed postcards to call for more afterschool funding. To share your support, contact Jenn Beideman at jenn.beideman@commongroundhealth.org or 585-224-3151.
On our blog
File photo: Anita O'Brien of Rochester Accessible Adventures trains teachers in wheelchair basketball in May 2018.
Learn how physical education instructor Lynn Clemmons at School 29 helped Rochester City School District staff make physical activity and recess available to all students. Clemmons helped organize trainings to promote inclusion of students with disabilities, special health care needs and those in alternative educational settings .
October is Farm to School month
Families at School 17 talked Oct. 12 about barriers they face in accessing fresh fruits and vegetables. Learn more (https://www.commongroundhealth.org/issues/food-and-health-connection) and share your thoughts here (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZTJLGWR) .
October is Farm to School month (http://www.farmtoschool.org/Resources/F2SM_CelebrationToolkit.pdf) . Healthi Kids is participating on the state's New York Grown Food for New York Kids workgroup. The group's efforts led to Governor Andrew Cuomo expanding Farm to School incentives under the "No Student Goes Hungry" program. The workgroup is planning its policy agenda for the coming year. We want to share ways schools could purchase locally grown food, educate students about farming or start or expand school gardens. Share ideas with Hannah Shippee, Hannah.shippee@commongroundhealth.org or call 585-224-3152.
School lunch celebrated
Students at School 9 celebrated National School Lunch Week in October with education on a balanced diet and nutrition through morning announcements. Joshua Wilcox of Foodlink spoke to four groups, and teachers have decided to continue receiving nutrition workshops regularly. Throughout the week, the school hosted a poster contest for students to teach others about the importance of eating a balanced lunch every day. They included emojis, bright colors and drawings of balanced foods and meals. Healthi Kids gave the winners cooking supplies.
The week culminated in a School Lunch Lots 2 Love celebration for all lunch periods. Students learned more about nutrition by watching a music video and playing a quizzed game show. Support staff helped students identify their foods on the MyPlate Grid. They chose a sparkling water recipe or frozen bananas as treats for their lunches.
Complete Street Makeover hits the silver screen
Rochester Street Films: Complete Streets Edition captures the energy of a street transformation. The film follows September's Complete Streets Makeover (https://www.commongroundhealth.org/neighborhood-intersection-gets-an-extreme-makeover) of Parsells Avenue and Greeley Street. A group including the Beechwood Neighbors Association, Reconnect Rochester and Healthi Kids led the makeover. The short film and a panel discussion will take place from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Little Theatre, 240 East Ave., Rochester. Get details and reserve your seat (http://www.reconnectrochester.org/streetfilms) .
Grant watch
Apply by Nov. 2 for Foodlink's 2019 Seed Grants. The one-time grants are available for nonprofits to start up or expand hunger relief or food programs. The grants range from $10,000 to $30,000. Learn more (http://foodlinkny.org/fight_hunger/about-us/#101) .
Apply by Nov. 2 for an America Walks grant of $1,500 in community stipends for projects creating healthy, active and engaged places to live work and play. View details here (http://americawalks.org/applications-open-for-2018-community-change-grants/) .
Apply by Jan. 18 for youth sports, play and recreation grants from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr., Legacy Fund for Youth Sports. The Rochester Area Community Foundation administers the fund. Apply online (https://www.racf.org/Grants/Search-for-Grants?ids=%7C1091%7C) .
Mark your calendar:
Nov. 3 - Rochester Children's Book Festival at 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Monroe Community College. Reading regularly with young children (http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2014/06/19/peds.2014-1384) helps stimulate brain growth and strengthen parent-child bonds that build lifelong language, literacy and social-emotional skills. Meet children's book authors and illustrators. The festival also offers early vision screenings. Admission is free. Read on (https://www.rcbfestival.com/) .
Nov. 8 - Reshaping Rochester Awards at 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Harro East Ballroom, 155 North Chestnut Street. Sponsored by the Community Design Center of Rochester. The Highland Park Neighborhood's "boulevart" traffic slowing project and playground rehabilitations are among the honorees. Details here (http://rrcdc.org/awards.html) .
In the headlines:
Rochester Beacon - A healthy Rochester is more than great health care (http://www.rochesterbeacon.com/2018/10/18/a-healthy-rochester-is-more-than-great-health-care/)
Monroe County Post - Coalition launches campaign to make Rochester roads safer (http://www.monroecopost.com/news/20181016/coalition-launches-campaign-to-make-rochester-roads-safer)
The Wedge - Coalition launches campaign to make roads safer for bikes, cars and pedestrians (http://swpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/The-Wedge-Newspaper_October_November-2018.pdf)
Find us on social media for more Healthi Kids updates as we advocate for healthier more active kids in Rochester and Monroe County. Tell us your vision for a Playable Rochester #PlayROCs
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