Helping families navigate the COVID-19 crisis
Healthi Kids acknowledges the challenges that families are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Remember, play and learning go hand in hand. As parents and caregivers, it is important to make sure kids get a lot of play time while they are home from school. Check out our resource page for some educational, play, and healthy eating ideas to keep kids busy, along with some tips for families on how to navigate this crisis. Learn more.
National Autism Awareness Month encourages us to celebrate differences
April is National Autism Awareness Month and the Autism Society of America is challenging the public to take a pledge to celebrate differences in our communities. Use the hashtag #CelebrateDifferences to spread awareness, promote acceptance and ignite change.
Six Feet Saves and helps flatten the curve
The City of Rochester and Monroe County has launched a campaign called #SixFeetSaves. To stop the spread of COVID-19, the campaign reminds people about the importance of staying home and staying six feet apart if you have to leave your house.
PlayROCs Your Neighborhood update announced
Due to the measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we have made the difficult decision to cancel PlayROCs Your Neighborhood 2020. Promoting the power of play will continue to be a priority for Healthi Kids so a virtual play date is in the works. We encourage parents and caregivers to try your best to make time for play while the kids are home so we are also planning a #playrocsathome social media challenge. Stay tuned for updates by following Healthi Kids on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
Monroe County COVID-19 requests
United Way of Greater Rochester and Rochester Area Community Foundation have partnered to rapidly deploy resources to community-based organizations that are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic consequences of the outbreak, community and organizational recovery, and future community emergencies.
Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative (RMAPI) is collecting feedback from Rochester and Monroe County community members about how COVID-19 is affecting them and their families and their concerns for the future. This feedback will be shared with community leaders to inform their work and response efforts. Submit feedback here.
Can you spread the word about social distancing? Volunteers are needed to distribute posters, sidewalk stencils, floor murals and other collateral for thecampaign. Email your contact information to so we can pass along it along to organizers.