January 19, 2017
Eating Healthy in the Winter
Tips of what fresh fruits and vegetables to eat and where to find them
The cold winter months mean that some delicious fruits and vegetables are now in season. Don’t miss out on the chance to add some color and warmth to your plates this year all while keeping a healthy diet. Root vegetables like beets, carrots, turnips and sweet potatoes are tasty additions to any meal and are sure to warm you up. Fruits like cranberries, oranges, and kiwis are great for brightening up the shorter days here in Rochester. Keeping a healthy diet will also help to keep those winter colds at bay.
Here at Healthi Kids we helped to coordinate a winter schedule for Foodlink’s Curbside Market to make stops at 4 of our partner schools in the Rochester City School District, which include School 8, 17, 23, and 53. The market will still be open to the public at these stops and will support families having easier access to fresh produce on a regular basis. Click here to view the Curbside Market schedule for these schools.
Looking for more places to find fresh fruits and vegetables this time of year? Check out the Farmers’ Markets below that are open during the winter:
For more information about our local farmers markets' visit: